

python Programming Glossary: n^2

Any reason not to use + to concatenate two strings?


though that concatenating more than 2 strings with is an O n^2 operation compared to O n for join and thus becomes inefficient... this has not to do with using a loop. Even a b c ... is O n^2 the reason being that each concatenation produces a new string...

Why is the same SQLite query being 30 times slower when fetching only twice as many results?


to a 2d dimension the rtMin rtMax mzMin mzMax will take n^2 time. This roughly corresponds to the second fetchall taking..

Cython and numpy speed


you dramatic speed gains by converting the problem from O n^2 to O n log n . This is particularly useful for long data sets..

A Fast Prime Number Sieve in Python


be indeed. Having a toy generator with ~ n^1.5 or even ~ n^2 orders of growth is just no fun to play with. share improve..

Clustering text in Python


Longest equally-spaced subsequence


thank you . However it is clear already that using n^2 memory will not work. So far there is no code that terminates..

Good way to append to a string


amortized O n eg s for i in range n s str n used to be O n^2 but now it is O n From the source bytesobject.c void PyBytes_ConcatAndDel..

Dictionary runtime (Codility Test)
